More than 850 Lessons Across 10 Levels The Step-by-Step Learning Pathpresents the full ABCmouse.comcurriculum in a carefullydesigned program of more than850 lessons in ten levels. Asyour child completes eachlesson, he or she is guided to thenext one and is motivated tocontinue learning’s Tickets andRewards System.
The Reading Curriculum Includes:
Uppercase and lowercase letter recognition
Rhyming words and word families
More than 450 books and beginning readers
Sentence structure
Parts of speech’s reading curriculum spansthe entire range of early reading, fromlearning the names of each letter and thesounds they represent to being able to readbooks, starting with a few words on a pageand gradually advancing to paragraphs.
The curriculum for first grade also includeswriting and language skills, such assentence structure and punctuation, partsof speech, and practice with writing genres.
The Math Curriculum Includes:
Recognizing and counting numbers 1–120
The base ten system
Place value
Addition and subtraction
Names and attributes of 2D and 3D shapes
Length, time, and money measurement teaches numbers,addition and subtraction, shapes, patterns,measurements, and more! Our gamesand creative activities make math funwhile giving young learners the practice theyneed to build a strong foundationfor success.
Kids’ Digital Learning Academy -10 Levels. Over 850 Lessons. More than 9,000 Individual Learning Kids’ Digital Learning Academy -10 Levels. Over 850 Lessons. More than 9,000 Individual Learning Activities.