In most failed political campaigns, there comes that moment of desperation when the candidate and their handlers decide to unleash their version of the nuclear option–a television ad that is vile and repulsive, but will somehow turn things around.

Texas Democratic gubernatorial nominee Wendy Davis, a.k.a. “Abortion Barbie,” reached that point of no return last week, unveiling the now-infamous “wheel chair” ad against Republican Greg Abbott.  For members of the low-information crowd, Mr. Abbott has been confined to a wheel chair for more than 20 years, after a tree fell on him.  He sued the property owner and won a huge settlement; Davis accused Abbott of hypocrisy, claiming he has made it more difficult for other victims to sue and win in Texas courts.

And how did that work out for Ms. Davis?  Jim Geraghty of National Review has the results of a new poll by KHOU-TV in Houston:

“Wendy Davis, defending her infamous “wheelchair” ad, a week ago: “The important thing about this ad is that voters now see Greg Abbott for who he is and of course in an election that’s entirely the point.”

She was right! A new poll out this morning:

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As early voters head to the polls for a landmark election in Texas, a new survey conducted for KHOU-TV and Houston Public Media shows Republican Greg Abbott with a commanding lead over Democrat Wendy Davis in the race for governor.
Abbott’s supported by 47 percent of likely voters surveyed for the poll, compared to Davis’ 32 percent. Another 15 percent were undecided.

The 32 percent in that poll is tied for her lowest total in a poll in 2014. Good work, ma’am.

Hard to believe, but just a few months ago, Ms. Davis was hailed as a rising star among Democrats.  Lots of rich, liberal donors poured millions of dollars into her campaign, which was supposed to be the first step in turning Texas blue.

But Davis’s campaign has been one of the biggest train wrecks of 2014.  But rock-bottom wasn’t good enough for the Democratic candidate; determined to keep on digging, she is out with a new claim that Greg Abbott might try to ban interracial marriage.  Just one problem with that line of attack.  Mr. Abbott’s wife, Cecilia, is Hispanic.

So, the disabled guy who hates the handicapped also hates his own marriage?  Can the ad linking him to Hitler and the KKK be far behind?

And it gets worse for Ms. Davis.  Trailing badly in the polls for months, there had been some speculation that she might be in line for some sort of federal appointment, as some sort of consolation prize for being a sacrificial lamb (and running the worst campaign in recent memory).  But with Republicans now poised to take control of the Senate, it’s hard to imagine the Obama Administration nominating her for anything.

Perhaps her alma mater, Harvard Law, is looking for a guest lecturer for the spring term.  Looks like she will be available.   

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